API documentation ***************** bonsai ====== .. automodule:: bonsai :noindex: :class:`LDAPClient` ------------------- .. autoclass:: LDAPClient(url, tls=False) .. automethod:: LDAPClient.connect(is_async=False, timeout=None, **kwargs) .. automethod:: LDAPClient.get_rootDSE() An example of getting the root DSE: >>> client = bonsai.LDAPClient() >>> client.get_rootDSE() {'namingContexts': ['dc=bonsai,dc=test'], 'supportedControl': ['2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.18', '2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.2', '', '1.2.840.113556.1.4.319', '1.2.826.0.1.3344810.2.3', '', '', ''], 'supportedLDAPVersion': ['3'], 'supportedExtension': ['', '', '', ''], 'supportedSASLMechanisms': ['DIGEST-MD5', 'NTLM', 'CRAM-MD5']} .. automethod:: LDAPClient.set_async_connection_class(conn) An example to change the default async connection class to a Gevent-based one: >>> import bonsai >>> from bonsai.gevent import GeventLDAPConnection >>> client = bonsai.LDAPClient() >>> client.set_async_connection_class(GeventLDAPConnection) >>> client.connect(True) .. automethod:: LDAPClient.set_auto_page_acquire(val) .. automethod:: LDAPClient.set_ca_cert(name) .. automethod:: LDAPClient.set_ca_cert_dir(path) .. automethod:: LDAPClient.set_cert_policy(policy) .. automethod:: LDAPClient.set_client_cert(name) .. automethod:: LDAPClient.set_client_key(name) .. automethod:: LDAPClient.set_credentials(mechanism, user=None, password=None, realm=None, authz_id=None, keytab=None) >>> from bonsai import LDAPClient >>> client = LDAPClient() >>> client.set_credentials("SIMPLE", user="cn=user,dc=bonsai,dc=test", password="secret") >>> client.connect() .. automethod:: LDAPClient.set_extended_dn(extdn_format) An example: >>> client = bonsai.LDAPClient() >>> client.set_extended_dn(1) >>> result = conn.search("ou=nerdherd,dc=bonsai,dc=test", 1) >>> result[0].extended_dn ;;cn=chuck,ou=nerdherd,dc=bonsai,dc=test >>> result[0].dn .. note:: If the extended dn control is not supported the LDAPEntry's extended_dn attribute will be None. The LDAP_SERVER_EXTENDED_DN_OID is defined as '1.2.840.113556.1.4.529'. .. automethod:: LDAPClient.set_ignore_referrals(val) .. automethod:: LDAPClient.set_managedsait(val) .. automethod:: LDAPClient.set_password_policy(ppolicy) An example: >>> import bonsai >>> client = bonsai.LDAPClient() >>> client.set_credentials("SIMPLE", "cn=user,dc=bonsai,dc=test", "secret") >>> client.set_password_policy(True) >>> conn, ctrl = client.connect() >>> conn >>> ctrl {'grace': 1, 'expire': 3612, 'oid': ''}) .. note:: Password policy control cannot be used on MS Windows with WinLDAP. In this case after opening a connection the control dictionary will always be `None`. .. automethod:: LDAPClient.set_raw_attributes(raw_list) An example: >>> client = bonsai.LDAPClient() >>> client.set_raw_attributes(["cn", "sn"]) >>> conn = client.connect() >>> conn.search("cn=jeff,ou=nerdherd,dc=bonsai,dc=test", 0, attrlist=['cn', 'sn', 'gn']) [{'dn': , 'sn': [b'Barnes'], 'cn': [b'jeff'], 'givenName': ['Jeff']}] .. automethod:: LDAPClient.set_sasl_security_properties(no_anonymous=None, no_dict=None, no_plain=None, forward_sec=None, pass_cred=None, min_ssf=None, max_ssf=None, max_bufsize=None) .. automethod:: LDAPClient.set_sd_flags(flags) .. automethod:: LDAPClient.set_server_chase_referrals(val) .. automethod:: LDAPClient.set_url(url) .. autoattribute:: LDAPClient.auto_page_acquire .. autoattribute:: LDAPClient.ca_cert .. autoattribute:: LDAPClient.ca_cert_dir .. autoattribute:: LDAPClient.cert_policy .. autoattribute:: LDAPClient.client_cert .. autoattribute:: LDAPClient.client_key .. autoattribute:: LDAPClient.credentials .. autoattribute:: LDAPClient.extended_dn_format .. autoattribute:: LDAPClient.ignore_referrals .. autoattribute:: LDAPClient.managedsait .. autoattribute:: LDAPClient.mechanism .. autoattribute:: LDAPClient.password_policy .. autoattribute:: LDAPClient.raw_attributes .. autoattribute:: LDAPClient.sd_flags .. autoattribute:: LDAPClient.server_chase_referrals *Changed in version 1.3.0:* Default value from *True* to *False*. .. autoattribute:: LDAPClient.tls .. autoattribute:: LDAPClient.url :class:`LDAPConnection` ----------------------- .. autoclass:: LDAPConnection .. method:: LDAPConnection.abandon(msg_id) Abandon an ongoing asynchronous operation associated with the given message id. Note that there is no guarantee that the LDAP server will be able to honor the request, which means the operation could be performed anyway. Nevertheless, it is a good programming paradigm to abandon unwanted operations (e.g after a timeout is exceeded). :param int msg_id: the ID of an ongoing LDAP operation. .. automethod:: LDAPConnection.add(entry, timeout=None) .. method:: LDAPConnection.close() Close LDAP connection. .. automethod:: LDAPConnection.delete(dname, timeout=None, recursive=False) .. method:: LDAPConnection.fileno() Return the file descriptor of the underlying socket that is used for the LDAP connection. :return: The file descriptor. :rtype: int .. method:: LDAPConnection.get_result(msg_id, timeout=None) Get the result of an ongoing asynchronous operation associated with the given message id. The method blocks the caller until the given `timeout` parameter is passed or the result is arrived. If the operation is not finished until the timeout, it returns None. If the `timeout` is None, it returns immediately. :param int msg_id: the ID of an ongoing LDAP operation. :param float timeout: time limit in seconds for waiting on the result. :return: the result of the operation. :rtype: depending on the type of the operation. :raises bonsai.InvalidMessageID: if the message ID is invalid or the associated operation is already finished .. automethod:: LDAPConnection.open(timeout=None) .. automethod:: LDAPConnection.modify_password(user=None, new_password=None, old_password=None, timeout=None) .. seealso:: RFC about the LDAP Password Modify extended operation `RFC3062`_. .. _RFC3062: https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3062.txt .. method:: LDAPConnection.search(base=None, scope=None, filter_exp=None, attrlist=None, timeout=None,\ sizelimit=0, attrsonly=False, sort_order=None) Perform a search on the directory server. A base DN and a search scope is always necessary to perform a search, but these values - along with the attribute's list and search filter - can also be set with the :class:`LDAPClient` LDAP URL parameter. The parameters, which are passed to the :meth:`LDAPConnection.search` method will overrule the previously set ones with the LDAP URL. Setting `sort_order` will invoke server side sorting LDAP control, based on the provided attribute list. >>> from bonsai import LDAPClient >>> client = LDAPClient("ldap://localhost") # without additional parameters >>> conn = client.connect() >>> conn.search("ou=nerdherd,dc=bonsai,dc=test", 1, "(cn=ch*)", ["cn", "sn", "gn"]) [{'dn': , 'sn': ['Bartowski'], 'cn': ['chuck'], 'givenName': ['Chuck']}] >>> client = LDAPClient("ldap://localhost/ou=nerdherd,dc=bonsai,dc=test?cn,sn,gn?one?(cn=ch*)") # with additional parameters >>> conn = client.connect() >>> conn.search() [{'dn': , 'sn': ['Bartowski'], 'cn': ['chuck'], 'givenName': ['Chuck']}] >>> conn.search(filter_exp="(cn=j*)") [{'dn': , 'sn': ['Barnes'], 'cn': ['jeff'], 'givenName': ['Jeff']}] :param str base: the base DN of the search. :param int scope: the scope of the search. An :class:`LDAPSearchScope` also can be used as value. :param str filter_exp: string to filter the search in LDAP search filter syntax. :param list attrlist: list of attribute's names to receive only those attributes from the directory server. :param float timeout: time limit in seconds for the search. :param int sizelimit: the number of entries to limit the search. :param bool attrsonly: if it's set True, search result will contain only the name of the attributes without their values. :param list sort_order: list of attribute's names to use for server-side ordering, start name with '-' for descending order. :return: the search result. :rtype: list .. method:: LDAPConnection.paged_search(base=None, scope=None, filter_exp=None, attrlist=None,\ timeout=None, sizelimit=0, attrsonly=False,\ sort_order=None, page_size=1) Perform a search that returns a paged search result. The number of entries on a page is limited with the `page_size` parameter. The return value is an :class:`ldapsearchiter` which is an iterable object. By default, after returning the last entry on the page it automatically requests the next page from the server until the final page is delivered. This functionality can be disabled by setting the :attr:`LDAPClient.auto_page_acquire` to `false`. Then the next page can be acquired manually by calling the :meth:`ldapsearchiter.acquire_next_page` method. :param str base: the base DN of the search. :param int scope: the scope of the search. An :class:`LDAPSearchScope` also can be used as value. :param str filter_exp: string to filter the search in LDAP search filter syntax. :param list attrlist: list of attribute's names to receive only those attributes from the directory server. :param float timeout: time limit in seconds for the search. :param int sizelimit: the number of entries to limit the search. :param bool attrsonly: if it's set True, search result will contain only the name of the attributes without their values. :param list sort_order: list of attribute's names to use for server-side ordering, start name with '-' for descending order. :param int page_size: the number of entries on a page. :return: the search result. :rtype: ldapsearchiter .. method:: LDAPConnection.virtual_list_search(base=None, scope=None, filter_exp=None, attrlist=None,\ timeout=None, sizelimit=0, attrsonly=False,\ sort_order=None, offset=1, before_count=0,\ after_count=0, est_list_count=0, attrvalue=None) Perform a search using virtual list view control. To perform the search the server side sort control has to be set with `sort_order`. The result set will be shifted to the `offset` or `attrvalue` and contains the specific number of entries after and before, set with `after_count` and `before_count`. The `est_list_count` is an estimation of the entire searched list that helps to the server to position the target entry. The result of the operation is a tuple of a list and a dictionary. The dictionary contains the VLV server response: the target position and the real list size. Thi list contains the searched entries. For further details using these controls please see :ref:`ldap-controls`. :param str base: the base DN of the search. :param int scope: the scope of the search. An :class:`LDAPSearchScope` also can be used as value. :param str filter_exp: string to filter the search in LDAP search filter syntax. :param list attrlist: list of attribute's names to receive only those attributes from the directory server. :param float timeout: time limit in seconds for the search. :param int sizelimit: the number of entries to limit the search. :param bool attrsonly: if it's set True, search result will contain only the name of the attributes without their values. :param list sort_order: list of attribute's names to use for server-side ordering, start name with '-' for descending order. :param int offset: an offset of the search result to select a target entry for virtual list view (VLV). :param int before_count: the number of entries before the target entry for VLV. :param int after_count: the number of entries after the target entry for VLV. :param int est_list_count: the estimated content count of the entire list for VLV. :param attrvalue: an attribute value (of the attribute that is used for sorting) for identifying the target entry for VLV. :return: the search result. :rtype: (list, dict) .. automethod:: LDAPConnection.whoami(timeout=None) .. seealso:: RFC about the LDAP Who am I extended operation `RFC4532`_. .. _RFC4532: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4532 .. attribute:: LDAPConnection.closed A readonly attribute about the connection's state. .. attribute:: LDAPConnection.is_async A readonly attribute to define that the connections is asynchronous. :class:`LDAPDN` --------------- Class for representing LDAP distinguished names. .. seealso:: RFC about **LDAP: String Representation of Distinguished Names** `RFC4514`_. .. _RFC4514: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4514 Example for working with LDAPDN objects. >>> import bonsai >>> dn = bonsai.LDAPDN("cn=testuser,dc=bonsai,dc=test") >>> dn >>> dn.rdns # Get RDNs in tuple format. ((('cn', 'testuser'),), (('dc', 'bonsai'),), (('dc', 'test'),)) >>> str(dn) # Convert to string. 'cn=testuser,dc=bonsai,dc=test' >>> dn[1] # Get the second RDN. 'dc=bonsai' >>> dn[0] # Get the first RDN. 'cn=testuser' >>> dn[1] = "ou=nerdherd,dc=bonsai" # Change the second RDN. >>> dn >>> other_dn = bonsai.LDAPDN("cn=testuser,ou=nerdherd,dc=bonsai,dc=test") >>> dn == other_dn True >>> dn[1:3] # Get the second and third RDN. 'ou=nerdherd,dc=bonsai' >>> dn[1:3] = 'ou=buymore,dc=bonsai' # Change them. >>> dn .. autoclass:: LDAPDN .. automethod:: LDAPDN.__getitem__(idx) .. automethod:: LDAPDN.__setitem__(idx, value) .. automethod:: LDAPDN.__eq__(other) .. automethod:: LDAPDN.__str__ .. autoattribute:: LDAPDN.rdns :class:`LDAPEntry` ------------------ .. class:: LDAPEntry(dn[, conn]) .. automethod:: LDAPEntry.change_attribute(name, optype, *values) .. note:: It is possible to create an inconsistent state that the server will reject. To get a clean state use :meth:`LDAPEntry.clear_attribute_changes`. .. automethod:: LDAPEntry.clear .. automethod:: LDAPEntry.clear_attribute_changes(name) .. automethod:: LDAPEntry.delete(timeout=None, recursive=False) .. automethod:: LDAPEntry.get(key, default=None) .. automethod:: LDAPEntry.items(exclude_dn=False) .. automethod:: LDAPEntry.keys(exclude_dn=False) .. note:: Be aware when the `exclude_dn` argument of :meth:`LDAPEntry.items`, :meth:`LDAPEntry.keys` or :meth:`LDAPEntry.values` is set to `True` you lose the benefits of `dict views`_ and get a generator object that will be sensitive of adding and removing items to the entry. .. automethod:: LDAPEntry.modify(timeout=None) .. automethod:: LDAPEntry.rename(newdn, timeout=None, delete_old_rdn=True) .. automethod:: LDAPEntry.update(*args, **kwds) .. automethod:: LDAPEntry.values(exclude_dn=False) .. attribute:: LDAPEntry.connection The LDAPConnection object of the entry. Needs to be set for any LDAP operations. .. attribute:: LDAPEntry.dn The distinguished name of the entry. >>> from bonsai import LDAPEntry >>> anna = LDAPEntry('cn=anna,ou=nerdherd,dc=bonsai,dc=test') >>> anna.dn >>> str(anna.dn) 'cn=anna,ou=nerdherd,dc=bonsai,dc=test' .. autoattribute:: LDAPEntry.extended_dn :class:`LDAPModOp` ------------------ .. autoclass:: LDAPModOp .. autoattribute:: LDAPModOp.ADD .. autoattribute:: LDAPModOp.DELETE .. autoattribute:: LDAPModOp.REPLACE :class:`LDAPReference` ---------------------- .. autoclass:: LDAPReference(client, references) .. autoattribute:: LDAPReference.client .. autoattribute:: LDAPReference.references :class:`LDAPSearchScope` ------------------------ .. autoclass:: LDAPSearchScope .. autoattribute:: LDAPSearchScope.BASE .. autoattribute:: LDAPSearchScope.ONELEVEL .. autoattribute:: LDAPSearchScope.ONE .. autoattribute:: LDAPSearchScope.SUBTREE .. autoattribute:: LDAPSearchScope.SUB :class:`LDAPURL` ---------------- .. seealso:: RFC about **LDAP: Uniform Resource Locator** `RFC4516`_. .. _RFC4516: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4516 .. autoclass:: LDAPURL(str) An example of a valid LDAP URL with port number, base DN, list of attributes and search filter: >>> from bonsai import LDAPURL >>> url = LDAPURL("ldap://localhost:789/ou=nerdherd,dc=bonsai,dc=test?cn,sn,gn?sub?(cn=c*)") >>> url >>> url.basedn >>> url.attributes ['cn', 'sn', 'gn'] .. automethod:: LDAPURL.get_address >>> import bonsai >>> url = bonsai.LDAPURL("ldaps://example.com/cn=test,dc=bonsai,dc=test??sub") >>> url >>> url.get_address() 'ldaps://example.com:636' .. automethod:: LDAPURL.__str__ .. autoattribute:: LDAPURL.attributes .. autoattribute:: LDAPURL.basedn .. autoattribute:: LDAPURL.host .. autoattribute:: LDAPURL.port .. autoattribute:: LDAPURL.filter_exp .. autoattribute:: LDAPURL.scope .. autoattribute:: LDAPURL.scope_num .. autoattribute:: LDAPURL.scheme :class:`LDAPValueList` ---------------------- .. autoclass:: LDAPValueList(items) .. automethod:: LDAPValueList.__contains__(item) .. automethod:: LDAPValueList.__delitem__(idx) .. automethod:: LDAPValueList.__setitem__(idx, value) .. automethod:: LDAPValueList.__add__(other) .. automethod:: LDAPValueList.__iadd__(other) .. automethod:: LDAPValueList.__mul__(value) .. automethod:: LDAPValueList.append(item) .. automethod:: LDAPValueList.extend(items) .. automethod:: LDAPValueList.insert(idx, value) .. automethod:: LDAPValueList.remove(value) .. automethod:: LDAPValueList.pop(idx=-1) .. automethod:: LDAPValueList.clear .. automethod:: LDAPValueList.copy .. autoattribute:: LDAPValueList.status bonsai.active_directory ======================= .. automodule:: bonsai.active_directory :class:`ACE` ------------ .. autoclass:: ACE(ace_type, flags, mask, trustee_sid, object_type, inherited_object_type, application_data) .. note:: For more details, see offical Microsoft docs about `ACE`_. .. automethod:: ACE.from_binary(data) .. automethod:: ACE.to_binary() .. automethod:: ACE.__eq__(other) .. automethod:: ACE.__str__() .. automethod:: ACE.set_access_rights(rights) .. automethod:: ACE.set_application_data(data) .. automethod:: ACE.set_flags(flags) .. automethod:: ACE.set_object_type(object_type) .. automethod:: ACE.set_inherited_object_type(object_type) .. automethod:: ACE.set_type(ace_type) .. automethod:: ACE.set_trustee_sid(sid) .. autoattribute:: ACE.application_data .. autoattribute:: ACE.flags .. autoattribute:: ACE.is_inherited .. autoattribute:: ACE.inherited_object_type .. autoattribute:: ACE.mask .. autoattribute:: ACE.object_type .. autoattribute:: ACE.size .. autoattribute:: ACE.trustee_sid :class:`ACEFlag` ---------------- .. autoclass:: ACEFlag :members: :undoc-members: :member-order: bysource :class:`ACERight` ----------------- .. autoclass:: ACERight :members: :undoc-members: :member-order: bysource :class:`ACEType` ---------------- .. autoclass:: ACEType :members: :undoc-members: :member-order: bysource :class:`ACL` ------------ .. autoclass:: ACL(revision, aces) .. note:: For more details, see offical Microsoft docs about `ACL`_. .. automethod:: ACL.from_binary(data) .. automethod:: ACL.to_binary() .. automethod:: ACL.set_aces(aces) .. autoattribute:: ACL.aces .. autoattribute:: ACL.revision .. autoattribute:: ACL.size :class:`ACLRevision` -------------------- .. autoclass:: ACLRevision :members: :undoc-members: :member-order: bysource :class:`SecurityDescriptor` --------------------------- .. autoclass:: SecurityDescriptor(control, owner_sid, group_sid, sacl, dacl, revision = 1, sbz1 = 0) .. note:: For more details, see offical Microsoft docs about `SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR`_. .. automethod:: SecurityDescriptor.from_binary(data) .. automethod:: SecurityDescriptor.to_binary() .. automethod:: SecurityDescriptor.set_control(control) .. automethod:: SecurityDescriptor.set_owner_sid(owner_sid) .. automethod:: SecurityDescriptor.set_group_sid(group_sid) .. automethod:: SecurityDescriptor.set_dacl(dacl) .. automethod:: SecurityDescriptor.set_sacl(sacl) .. autoattribute:: SecurityDescriptor.control .. autoattribute:: SecurityDescriptor.dacl .. autoattribute:: SecurityDescriptor.group_sid .. autoattribute:: SecurityDescriptor.owner_sid .. autoattribute:: SecurityDescriptor.revision .. autoattribute:: SecurityDescriptor.sacl .. autoattribute:: SecurityDescriptor.sbz1 :class:`SID` ------------ .. autoclass:: SID(str_rep = None, bytes_le = None) .. note:: For more details, see offical Microsoft docs about `SID`_. .. automethod:: SID.__eq__(other) .. automethod:: SID.__repr__() .. automethod:: SID.__str__() .. autoattribute:: SID.bytes_le .. autoattribute:: SID.identifier_authority .. autoattribute:: SID.revision .. autoattribute:: SID.sddl_alias .. autoattribute:: SID.size .. autoattribute:: SID.subauthorities :class:`UserAccountControl` --------------------------- .. autoclass:: UserAccountControl(flags) .. note:: For more details, see offical Microsoft docs about `UserAccountControl`_. .. autoattribute:: UserAccountControl.properties .. autoattribute:: UserAccountControl.value bonsai.asyncio ============== .. automodule:: bonsai.asyncio :class:`AIOLDAPConnection` -------------------------- .. autoclass:: AIOLDAPConnection .. note:: The default asyncio event loop is changed with Python 3.8 on Windows to `ProactorEventLoop`. Unfortunately, bonsai's asyncio connection requires the old `SelectorEventLoop`. Make sure to change it back before using the module: .. code-block:: python if sys.platform == 'win32': import asyncio asyncio.set_event_loop_policy(asyncio.WindowsSelectorEventLoopPolicy()) Getting ``NotImplementedError`` from the ``add_reader`` method of the event loop may indicate that it has not been properly set. :class:`AIOConnectionPool` -------------------------- .. autoclass:: AIOConnectionPool bonsai.gevent ============= .. automodule:: bonsai.gevent :class:`GeventLDAPConnection` ----------------------------- .. autoclass:: bonsai.gevent.GeventLDAPConnection bonsai.ldif =========== .. automodule:: bonsai :class:`LDIFReader` ------------------- .. autoclass:: LDIFReader(input_file, autoload=True, max_length=76) Example of reading an LDIF file: .. code-block:: python import bonsai with open("./users.ldif") as fileobj: reader = bonsai.LDIFReader(fileobj) for entry in reader: print(entry.dn) .. autoattribute:: LDIFReader.autoload .. autoattribute:: LDIFReader.input_file .. autoattribute:: LDIFReader.resource_handlers :class:`LDIFWriter` ------------------- .. autoclass:: LDIFWriter(output_file, max_length=76) .. automethod:: LDIFWriter.write_entry(entry) >>> import bonsai >>> output = open("./out.ldif", "w") >>> writer = bonsai.LDIFWriter(output) >>> entry = bonsai.LDAPEntry("cn=test") >>> entry["cn"] = "test" >>> writer.write_entry(entry) .. automethod:: LDIFWriter.write_entries(entries, write_version=True) >>> client = bonsai.LDAPClient() >>> conn = client.connect() >>> res = conn.search("ou=nerdherd,dc=bonsai,dc=test", bonsai.LDAPSearchScope.ONE) >>> output = open("./out.ldif", "w") >>> writer = bonsai.LDIFWriter(output) >>> writer.write_entries(res) .. automethod:: LDIFWriter.write_changes(entry) .. autoattribute:: LDIFWriter.output_file bonsai.pool =========== :class:`ConnectionPool` ----------------------- .. autoclass:: bonsai.pool.ConnectionPool >>> import bonsai >>> from bonsai.pool import ConnectionPool >>> client = bonsai.LDAPClient() >>> pool = ConnectionPool(client, 1, 2) >>> pool.open() >>> conn = pool.get() >>> conn.whomai() 'anonymus' >>> pool.put(conn) >>> pool.close() .. automethod:: bonsai.pool.ConnectionPool.close .. automethod:: bonsai.pool.ConnectionPool.get .. automethod:: bonsai.pool.ConnectionPool.open .. automethod:: bonsai.pool.ConnectionPool.put .. automethod:: bonsai.pool.ConnectionPool.spawn Example usage: .. code-block:: python import bonsai from bonsai.pool import ConnectionPool client = bonsai.LDAPClient() pool = ConnectionPool(client) with pool.spawn() as conn: print(conn.whoami()) :class:`ThreadedConnectionPool` ------------------------------- .. autoclass:: bonsai.pool.ThreadedConnectionPool .. automethod:: bonsai.pool.ThreadedConnectionPool.get bonsai.tornado ============== :class:`TornadoLDAPConnection` ------------------------------ .. autoclass:: bonsai.tornado.TornadoLDAPConnection bonsai.trio ============== :class:`TrioLDAPConnection` ------------------------------ .. autoclass:: bonsai.trio.TrioLDAPConnection _bonsai ======= :class:`ldapsearchiter` ----------------------- Helper class for paged search result. .. method:: ldapsearchiter.acquire_next_page Request the next page of result. Returns with the message ID of the search operation. This method can only be used if the :attr:`LDAPClient.auto_page_acquire` is `False`. :return: an ID of the next search operation. :rtype: int. Errors ====== .. autoclass:: bonsai.LDAPError .. autoclass:: bonsai.LDIFError .. autoclass:: bonsai.AffectsMultipleDSA .. autoclass:: bonsai.AlreadyExists .. autoclass:: bonsai.AuthenticationError .. autoclass:: bonsai.AuthMethodNotSupported .. autoclass:: bonsai.ConnectionError .. autoclass:: bonsai.ClosedConnection .. autoclass:: bonsai.InsufficientAccess .. autoclass:: bonsai.InvalidDN .. autoclass:: bonsai.InvalidMessageID .. autoclass:: bonsai.NoSuchAttribute .. autoclass:: bonsai.NoSuchObjectError .. autoclass:: bonsai.NotAllowedOnNonleaf .. autoclass:: bonsai.ObjectClassViolation .. autoclass:: bonsai.ProtocolError .. autoclass:: bonsai.SizeLimitError .. autoclass:: bonsai.TimeoutError .. autoclass:: bonsai.TypeOrValueExists .. autoclass:: bonsai.UnwillingToPerform .. autoclass:: bonsai.PasswordPolicyError() .. autoclass:: bonsai.AccountLocked() .. autoclass:: bonsai.ChangeAfterReset() .. autoclass:: bonsai.InsufficientPasswordQuality() .. autoclass:: bonsai.MustSupplyOldPassword() .. autoclass:: bonsai.PasswordExpired() .. autoclass:: bonsai.PasswordInHistory() .. autoclass:: bonsai.PasswordModNotAllowed() .. autoclass:: bonsai.PasswordTooShort() .. autoclass:: bonsai.PasswordTooYoung() .. autoclass:: bonsai.pool.PoolError .. autoclass:: bonsai.pool.ClosedPool .. autoclass:: bonsai.pool.EmptyPool Utility functions ================= .. autofunction:: bonsai.utils.escape_attribute_value(attrval) >>> import bonsai >>> bonsai.escape_attribute_value(",cn=escaped") '\\,cn\\=escaped' .. autofunction:: bonsai.utils.escape_filter_exp(filter_exp) >>> import bonsai >>> filter_exp = "(&(userID={0})(objectClass=user))" >>> untrusted_input = "*)(userID=*))(|(userID=*" >>> filter_exp.format(untrusted_input) '(&(userID=*)(userID=*))(|(userID=*)(objectClass=user))' >>> filter_exp.format(bonsai.escape_filter_exp(untrusted_input)) '(&(userID=\\2A\\29\\28userID=\\2A\\29\\29\\28|\\28userID=\\2A)(objectClass=user))' .. function:: bonsai.get_tls_impl_name Return the identification of the underlying TLS implementation that is used by the LDAP library: >>> bonsai.get_tls_impl_name() "MozNSS" The possible return values are: `GnuTLS`, `OpenSSL`, `MozNSS` and `SChannel`. :return: A identification of TLS implementation. :rtype: str .. function:: bonsai.get_vendor_info Return the vendor's name and the version number of the LDAP library: >>> bonsai.get_vendor_info() ("OpenLDAP", 20440) :return: A tuple of the vendor's name and the library's version. :rtype: tuple .. function:: bonsai.has_krb5_support :return: True if the module is built with the optional Kerberos/GSSAPI headers. :rtype: bool .. function:: bonsai.set_connect_async(allow) Disable/enable asynchronous connection for the underlying socket, which means that the socket is set to be non-blocking when it's enabled. The default setting is `False` on every platform. This is an OpenLDAP specific setting (see `LDAP_OPT_CONNECT_ASYNC` option in the OpenLDAP documentation for further details). :param bool allow: Enabling/disabling async connect mode. .. warning:: Experience shows that this is a delicate setting. Even with a newer OpenLDAP, the TLS library version used by libldap might be unable to handle non-blocking sockets correctly. .. function:: bonsai.set_debug(debug, level=0) Set debug mode for the module. Turning it on will provide traceback information of C function calls on the standard output. If the module uses OpenLDAP, then setting the `level` parameter to a non-zero integer will also give additional info about the libldap function calls. :param bool debug: Enabling/disabling debug mode. :param int level: The debug level (for OpenLDAP only). .. _dict views: https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#dict-views .. _ACE: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/openspecs/windows_protocols/ms-dtyp/d06e5a81-176e-46c6-9cf7-9137aad4455e .. _ACL: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/openspecs/windows_protocols/ms-dtyp/20233ed8-a6c6-4097-aafa-dd545ed24428 .. _SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/openspecs/windows_protocols/ms-dtyp/7d4dac05-9cef-4563-a058-f108abecce1d .. _SID: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/openspecs/windows_protocols/ms-dtyp/78eb9013-1c3a-4970-ad1f-2b1dad588a25 .. _UserAccountControl: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/troubleshoot/windows-server/identity/useraccountcontrol-manipulate-account-properties