Using pip#
Bonsai can be simply installed with Pip:
$ pip install bonsai
Install from source on Linux#
These notes illustrate how to compile Bonsai on Linux.
Bonsai is a C wrapper to the OpenLDAP libldap2 library. To install it from sources you will need:
A C compiler (The module is tested with gcc).
The Python 3 header files. They are usually installed in a package such as python3-dev.
The libldap header files. They are usually installed in a package such as libldap2-dev.
The libsasl header files. They are usually installed in a package such as libsasl2-dev.
The Bonsai source files. You can download it from the project’s GitHub site.
Optionally for additional functions the Kerberos header files. They are usually installed in a package such as libkrb5-dev or heimdal-dev.
Once you downloaded and unpackaged the Bonsai source files, you can run the following command to compile and install the package:
$ python3 build
$ sudo python3 install
Install from source on Windows#
Bonsai uses WinLDAP on Microsoft Windows. To install it from sources you will need a C compiler and the Bonsai source files. After you downloaded and unpackaged the sources, you can run:
$ python build
$ python install
Compiling the package with MinGW is no longer recommended.
Install from source on macOS#
Because macOS is shipped with an older version of libldap which lacks of several features that Bonsai relies on, a newer library needs to be installed before compiling the module.
Install openldap homebrew-core formula:
$ brew install openldap
Modify the setup.cfg in the root folder to customize the library and headers directory:
Or with Apple Silicon:
library_dirs = /opt/homebrew/opt/openldap/lib
include_dirs = /usr/include/sasl:/opt/homebrew/opt/openldap/include
and then you can follow the standard build commands:
$ python build
$ python install
More directories can be set for include and library dirs (e.g. path to the Kerberos headers and libraries) by separating the paths with : in the setup.cfg file.
After installing Bonsai, you can learn the basic usage in the Quickstart.